Digital Voting System as Internet of Things Application
Rajashree S1, Sheetal V A2, Soman K S3, Bhuvankumar P4

1S Rajashree, Assistant Professor, Departmant of Computer Science, PES University, Bangalore (Karnataka), India.
2Sheetal V A, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore (Karnataka), India.
3Soman K S, Software Consultant, Bangalore (Karnataka), India.
4Bhuvankumar P, Student, Department of Electronics and Electrical, KSSEM, Bangalore (Karnataka), India.
Manuscript received on 13 February 2020 | Revised Manuscript received on 20 February 2020 | Manuscript Published on 28 February 2020 | PP: 38-41 | Volume-8 Issue-5S February 2020 | Retrieval Number: E10090285S20/2020©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.E1009.0285S20
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The objective for the efficient functioning of the Indian democracy is purely dependent on the decisions made by the citizens of our country. To avoid duplicate or illegal votes we need a secure system which uniquely identifies our citizen. In India AADHAR uniquely identifies the citizens of INDIA by their thumb impression and also provides the other details like Date of birth, address, gender, father’s name, Spouse details etc. The election process is carried out in 3 steps Creation of voter list, actual voting process, and counting of votes. Creation of voter list can be done by database which is efficient to store big data with the person’s name and his AADHAR number. In actual voting process verification can be done by using fingerprint recognition and votes should be stored depending on ward numbers. Counting is the last process which can be done very easily if previous steps are digitized. In the world of Internet of things a voter should be able to cast his vote from anywhere by validating his credentials. This paper describes a voting system with 3 possible ways for voter to cast his vote.
Keywords: Digital Election System, Aadhar Card, Voter List, IoT Application.
Scope of the Article: Internet of Things