Influence of Nanoparticles on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Chicken Biodiesel
Jaikumar Methre1, Sharanappa Godiganur2, Veerbhadrappa Telgane3
1Jaikumar Methre, Research Scholar, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., REVA Institute of Technology & Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
2Sharanappa Godiganur, Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering REVA University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
3Veerbhadrappa Telgane, Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering REVA University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Manuscript received on November 22, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on November 28, 2019. | Manuscript published on November 30, 2019. | PP: 2825-2829 | Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019. | Retrieval Number: D8336118419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D8336.118419

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Abstract: The present experimental study examines the impact of aluminium oxide nanoparticles (ALN) as additives in chicken waste oil biodiesel on a single cylinder diesel engine performance and emission characteristics. Different dosage of ALN was blended with chicken biodiesel (CB) using ultrasonic mixing in 200th by volume of biodiesel. The performance and exhaust emissions were evaluated using 100ppm, 150ppm and 200ppm aluminium oxide nanoparticles dosages blended chicken biodiesel for different brake power at a constant speed of 1500rpm and compared the results with diesel(B0) and 20% by volume of chicken biodiesel (CB20). Increased brake thermal efficiency and reduced brake specific fuel consumption were observed with the addition of aluminium oxide nanoparticles as compared to biodiesel blend and diesel at 3/4th of load. Also, reduced emissions hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide and increased NOX with ALN at full load. Overall, biodiesel with aluminium oxide nanoparticles improved the diesel engine performance and emissions characteristics with a slight increase in NOX.
Keywords: Chicken Biodiesel, Diesel Engine Performance and Emission, Nanoparticles, Ultrasonicator.
Scope of the Article: Performance Evaluation of Networks.